Thursday, March 20, 2008

Why Jane's Dragon...and What I Believe....

I have chosen this title for several reasons the first and foremost is that my life began as a baby who was abandoned in a hospital in Orange County California by an extremely heartless woman who had herself hypnotized to forget about me, her name, was Jane.
And I am...her Dragon; for all intents and purposes there are good Dragons and bad Dragons.
I believe we all have them in us. Throughout my life there are countless stories of things and people who will make it clear to you why I have chosen this Animal and this Title to tell my story, what I believe and why I believe it, and why it is important to share your "story" with people.
I believe in Truth, Justice, Loyalty, I have faith God and I believe in Miracles and the Human spirit's ability to transform itself. I believe we are here to grow and learn and to be the best version of ourselves that we can be.
I do not believe we came here to be "HAPPY", find Prince or Princess charming and live happily ever after. If you wanted to be Happy all the time and in a place where there was no bad/'d HAVE STAYED HOME IN HEAVEN rather coming to HELL to learn a few things about People, Yourself and the trials of having a Body.
There IS Nothing to learn when you are HAPPY. We have glimpses of Happiness in our lives, moments we wish would last a lifetime, but happiness all in itself is a relative term. No one is Happy all the time. We are Content to be where we are, who we are with, what we are doing...or, we are not. We are lucky to find moments of happiness in our lives, those are the things memories are made of and life itself is about love and making memories. Love being the one thing we all need, crave and perhaps the ONLY thing that no one can take from you...ever. Even if the person or thing you LOVE goes away...the love You Gave is always yours. It is the tie that binds us together even beyond this life. And I do believe we have many lives and come here many times, as we have much to learn. We will fail at many things we Planned for Ourselves before we came here, we will make changes to our original plan simply because we have Choices. And failing is Okay, as long as we Learn from our failures.
I believe in facing your fears, working on your "not so good points" and working through the tough times. After all, wherever you go, there you are. You cannot hide from your YOURSELF, your mirror has the same person in it and that shadow behind's Yours. It may get bigger over time, but it's yours.
We all have issues, we all have pain in our lives and we all handle it differently. We also show it differently, but you can count on one thing; that person who "has everything" has all the same fears and problems you do, just in a different way. Why? Because we are all human and though we have different lives and live different places, know different people and have a different economic status....yep, you guessed it, we are human; we eat, shit and get old just like everyone else. And you may be beautiful and thin now, but you won't always you head on out and enjoy that while you can because the same thing that happens to millions of people of every day is going to happen to YOU. And don't go Assuming (you KNOW what they say about that!) that you have eighty or ninety years to live because some statistic says you will live that long. I have plenty of dead friends to prove it isn't true; and I've come pretty close to losing my own long before anyone should, the first time I was only 29 years old. Twice now I can claim to be here the sheer grace of Miracles because there IS no other explanation for it. Tim McGraw says in his song...Like You Were Dying. Because you never know how much time you have left.
I've lived. Truly lived and I can say I have done damn near everything I ever wanted to do. Loved the people I wanted to love and I have had the time of my life. I am honored to have known the people I have, people who brought great things to the table, people who lifted me up and loved me with all their hearts. People who gave me Unconditional love and supported me in ways most people can only imagine. And if there is something in my life that will help someone else, lift someone else....make their life more valid, cause them to think or live their life better; then I am happy to teach it.
If there is something I say that you do not agree with...that's fine. You have your own beliefs and your own mind and your own life and I am totally cool with that. No one says you have to listen to anyone else, that is why you HAVE a mind of your own and the ability to sensor information. God forbid anyone put anything in your head that isn't good for your Soul...but I seriously doubt you will find that here.
Life is full of things to make you think and learn and grow...I have THOUSANDS of those things in my life, are they all pretty? No. In fact I can tell you two complete versions of my life, same person, same very pretty, one very ugly. And they occurred at the SAME time. Some people would look at my life and think I had been very lucky and had a marvelous life with nothing at all to complain about. And I would agree with that! But there is another version that very few people know, perhaps only a handful...and it's not pretty and I you would think I was extremely unlucky. My Dad used to think that I DID things to bring on the things that happened in my life. And only recently did he tell me...."You could be standing still in a churchyard alone on Sunday and something awful would happen to you, it is the damndest thing I've ever seen. All I can say is that you must have an awful lot to LEARN in this life." And I agree with that too.
I did learn and I will continue to learn.